HCI Virtual Student Send Off 2021

//HCI Virtual Student Send Off 2021

HCI Virtual Student Send Off 2021

Student Send Off is an important regular event for Harvard Club, and held annually by Harvard Club Indonesia. Despite the Covid-19 pandemic and limitations to organize offline event, HCI is still fully committed to virtually gather the new accepted and recurrent students, as well as the new graduate, for a get to know each other event.

HCI would like to organize virtual SSO this August 2021 that invite all accepted and recurrent student, Board Member of HCI, and any interested HCI member. In this event, we hope to congratulate, welcome and hear more from each student and new graduate about their experience, challenges and expectations for the upcoming year.

By |2021-08-23T06:10:22+07:00August 21st, 2021|HCI Agenda|Comments Off on HCI Virtual Student Send Off 2021

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